Sunday, June 19, 2005

Doper, doper

When you race me, you're racing drugs. I've had a bad ibuprofen habit since I was in my 30s. And my typical coffee consumption might put me over the12 micrograms per milliliter limit in UCI competition.

The ibuprofen is no big deal. I could have sworn I saw it on the list of prohibited substances a few years ago, but I probably had a moment of dyslexia when I saw buprenorphine on there. So many other over the counter drugs contain banned ingredients that I was expecting to see something as helpful as ibuprofen forbidden along with them.

Known on the street as I-Bombs or Ibbies, these little pills, white or brown, are highly prized by aging athletes looking for a little of their youthful resilience.

In 1980-81, the Cat. 2 in the house I shared had developed a symbiosis with a doctor training for the Iron Man. My roomie had a limitless prescription for this stuff called "Motrin," which had miraculous curative powers. Maybe back then, when you needed a prescription, it was on the list.

Give me 400 milligrams of the good stuff and 12 ounces of Kenyan coffee and you wouldn't know I wasn't 25.

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