Tuesday, May 09, 2006

One Short Commute

The poster put out by the League of Amercian Bicyclists and Shimano for this year's Bike to Work Week really bothers me. Didn't anyone really look at this thing (link opens a pdf) and check it out?

The rider in the picture is going to pile into that gate unless the sensor is abnormally sensitive and will detect a bicyclist. The first impression it gives is that the rider is an idiot who is about to clothesline himself on the barrier.

Way to build our image.

Even when I could still afford to be a member of the League, I found them unresponsive to individual members. I wrote to them a few times about issues and never got a response. All I got were letters asking for more money.

I don't necessarily agree that more money to the League will put more riders on the streets. We all as cyclists need to work on local initiatives and the local cycling climate.

My congressman pointed out that the federal government can provide funds, but it is up to the states and local governments to put those funds to work. States make the laws under which you ride. If you want facilities, work locally. If you want to create a positive image for cycling, be the change.

Don't go riding exuberantly into any closed gates, even if a leading manufacturer and a supposed advocacy organization seem to be recommending it.


  1. LAB responsiveness: I hear you on that. Even when they explicitly call for volunteers or feedback and give an email address, response is almost always nada. That's probably why Bikes Belong (industry group) and Thunderhead Alliance (advocacy group) came into being.

    That Shimano poster is pretty funny.

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Well said!
