Thursday, June 29, 2006

Here comes Fourth of July weekend

The repair shop has been at capacity since early May, but the dam is really about to burst now. The first pleading and demanding customers of the full-on summer rush have arrived.

We know that the Fourth of July marks the first charge of a siege that will last for the next couple of months.

The occupation brings convoys of large vehicles to choke the streets and highways. I will ride in any conditions sooner than drive my car.

The locals try to plan every move around the tourist hordes. We know which stores jack their prices during the height of summer. We try to buy groceries mid-week, to avoid the locust plagues on Friday and Saturday, and the picked-over shelves on Monday.

It's time to put on the "Kiss My Ass, I Live Here" jersey and draft Escalades and Suburbans with giant boat trailers until they join the clots of other fat globules in the town's traffic arteries. Then just sprint around them and disappear. My transit time does not change.

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