Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Lookin' in on Le Tour

According to OLN's website, the leaders averaged faster than 31 miles per hour racing toward the Col d'Izoard and maintained more than 28 mph in the second hour of riding. By the third hour the average had dropped to a hair under 25. Slackers.

They ride in a different world.

Egoi Martinez crashed, was treated by the team doctor and resumed the race. Later, Maxim Iglinskiy of Milram crashed and also resumed racing. According to the report, a radio car missed him by centimeters.

When you race you know you will go down once in a while. The scars on elbows, the sides of your knees, your hips, they're all just like Bondo on a race car. Fill in the dings, touch up the paint, see you next week. Yeah, but it's also like driving the race car to work or racing the family car, hard, in a tight field when it's your body taking the dents. You have to live the rest of your life between races.

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