Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Decision 2008

Here's an odd bit of trivia for you to consider when sifting through the field of presidential candidates for the upcoming primaries: Mitt Romney has been seen repeatedly around Wolfeboro, riding his bike without a helmet. We laugh at this quirk, but today two people claiming to be Romney campaign workers came in to rent bikes at separate times and both refused helmets even though we offer them free with the rental. Aparently it's a campaign trademark.

It is said that a rider who doesn't protect his brain with a helmet has nothing to protect anyway. Mitt seems like the Warren Harding type, if you know what I mean. The fine-lookin' purebred dog with a ball of rubber cement between his ears...


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    what you have here is a national newsworthy item. Sure he is a customer, but mostly he is a douche bag.

    It is your responsibility as an american, a patriot and a human being to expose this type of behavior during this trying time of the war of terror.

    God Bless America

  2. If you're not smart enough to see Mormonsim's abundant flaws, and you're not intelligent enough to protect your dome while riding in traffic, are you really capable of leading the free world? Say what you will about Bush, at least he wears a helmet when he rides a bike.

  3. Bush's mommy puts the helmet on him, but that's another matter.

    If you want to freak yourself out, visit this site
    and browse the section on business leaders. There are so many they have to break up the alphabet into three sections.

    A number of them vacation here. They maintain a small (by tabernacle standards) LDS church here.

  4. The tendency of helmet advocates to fall back to -- nay -- start with empty but insulting ad hominem says something about the emptiness of their efficacy claims. IMO.

  5. Fritz! You're anti-helmet? I never knew. Time for a helmet post.

  6. Cafiend - I'm sure there are plenty of successful mormons; there are plenty of successful Scientologists too. And people that believe in UFOs.

    Fritz - Do you encourage your kids to wear helmets?

  7. I'm not seriously paranoid about any single religion.
