Monday, February 04, 2008

Sheldon's Gone...

Sheldon Brown has died. He had already been knocked off his bike by ill health. While I never met him, we had communicated over bike repair issues. He was widely known as an authority on all matters in cycling as well as many other topics. He will be missed.


  1. I never met Sheldon either, but we exchanged a few emails last year. He was helpful to me on the subject of handlebars for my commuting bike. I wanted it to look like an English roadster, and he gave me info on the various handlebars available. Later on, when I was having no success finding replacement tires for my Bickerton Portable (the nearest thing to a Morgan on two wheels), I sent him an email asking if Harris Cyclery had them. I received an immediate response to try St. John Street Cycles in England. Not only did they have the tires (or tyres) listed on their web site, they had a nifty Raleigh brand allloy North Road style handlebar, which I now have on my commuting bike. Sheldon was prompt, helpful and courteous--all while combating debilitating illness.

  2. I worked at Harris Cyclery from April 2007 through December 2007. Sheldon came in the shop to work at his computer about once a week. The rest of the time he worked from home. Though he did not need to come in to the shop he came in anyway. On the nice days he still managed to ride his Greenspeed recumbent trike to work despite his physical disability.

    I did not have much face to face interaction with Sheldon. It was usually just a nod as I walked by him in the basement to get another repair or filling up his cup of coffee.

    Sheldon was a very quiet man for the most part but when spoken to he had much to say. He was a walking bicycle encyclopedia. We are all fortunate he left much of his knowledge with us on his website, emails, and discussion groups.
