Monday, March 10, 2008

Daylight Relocating Time

By decree, evening becomes afternoon. The shift to lighter evenings would help a lot if the winter had not brought so much snow. I would be able to lay down some base miles after work, to get ready for the bike commute when I shift back to my southern, summer location.

This year the snowbanks tower over my training roads. The evening light will permit some full-length ski workouts without a headlamp, if the temperature swings cooperate, but that delays the reshaping of muscle mass to the needs of cycling. I'm hardly brawny, but my arms and shoulders feel really heavy when I'm dragging them up a climb on the first bike rides of the new cycling season. Those same arms and shoulders feel spindly and twiglike at the start of a ski season. The body is moldable clay, but it needs to be squeezed into its new form.

Leg muscles need to be reminded how to power the perfect circle of the pedal stroke after the swinging motion and sustained supporting role while gliding on skis.

The later light gives a deceptive impression that spring is further advanced. Once you get past the late sunrise, the rising arc of the sun each day and its slow drift toward the western horizon bolster the impression that it's later than you think.

Time to hop on the rollers and start regaining saddle toughness and a smooth spin for when the glaciers really do recede.

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