Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Slipping back into the bike life

Two days in a row I have gone out with my wife on her rides before she leaves for work. That work begins in the afternoon, so the rides are at a comfortable mid-morning hour. Then yesterday I rode to a friend's house to help him plan a community biking event for May 18 and today I made a pannier run to the grocery store for a few items.

We're passing the landmarks of spring. You know it's really spring when you start leaning bikes against the wood stove and setting things on top of it. You know it's really spring when you consider how to stay cool at night instead of how to stay warm. You complain about the bugs instead of the cold. You finally put your boots away. Lighter jackets float to the top of the coat rack and eventually even they are left behind.

I'm about to take the tape off my front helmet vents. I usually go through that a couple of times, as we get a warm spell followed by a cold one. I've already had it off and put it back once. Maybe this time I can leave it off. I don't know, though. Twice in recent years we've had wet snow in late May.

One ride at a time.

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