Saturday, June 14, 2008

Four Bolts to a Happier You

Maybe six bolts.

We spend hours, days, weeks, years, and sometimes hundreds or thousands of dollars dialing in the position on our bikes, only to have something change. We age, get injured, change bikes or riding style.

There is no perfect solution.

Right now, I love every handlebar position on my Cross Check when I'm riding alone, but feel too low and stretched out when riding at a leisurely pace with slower cyclists. I'm going to try an experiment.

Open-face stems are very easy to change. I've ordered a short (80 mm), slightly steeper-rise stem to substitute for my usual 90-degree, 100 mm when touring with a load in slow company. That will bring the brake hoods closer and raise the bar tops slightly. It won't affect cable length or require other complicated adjustments.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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