Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fixed Gear Fad Apparently Over Before it Starts

After a brief flurry of inquiries, all interest in fixed-gear bicycles has completely ceased. Now we have people resurrecting various forms of one-speed cruiser, from a 1937 Something-or-Other to a 1960s Western Flyer to a Huffy mutant. We're even doing it ourselves on a Western Flyer abandoned by a low-budget collector.

The rich folk are in town with their various carbon fiber and hand built steel or titanium bikes. Those are the rich folk we see, anyway. The vast majority of the vastly wealthy have better things to do with most of their time. We do rent to parties of their guests. Usually we can only guess who might be the host.

Friday, just before ferocious weather swept down on us, we did some repair work for Adam the Tourist from Seattle. He has a website, which he hasn't updated since Thursday the 17th. Hope he was in shelter when the big one hit.

I'm still tugging the fixed gear banner with my snorkel bike on these wet days.

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