Sunday, November 23, 2008

No Pictures (Okay, some pictures)

Wednesday seemed cold at 21 degrees, but I had the time. I grabbed a dawn patrol. Thursday I let the work schedule and the 17-degree morning low convince me to skip a day. But then on Friday I had the later start time so I went out at 12 degrees. Double digits. That's not cold.

Yes it is.

You know it was a cold ride when you felt like sweat was chilling on your skin the whole time, but your clothes are dry when you take them off after you get home. You also know your layering was working perfectly. Moisture traveled out to the surface unimpeded. That hardly ever happens.

Riding at sunrise treats me to visual delights even on the same loop day after day. Unfortunately, riding in a very small time window, I don't want to take time to stop and set up a picture.

Ossipee River frequently looks like this. This picture is from a year or two ago.

On a mid-day ride Tuesday, I saw Huntress Bridge Rapid was up.

I acted as the Huntress Bridge Traffic Cam. This guy was hauling ass approaching the bridge.

Putting almost 100 miles a day on the car some days, I know I wouldn't be doing my job with a Big Dummy and strong resolve. I've changed for now from a transportation cyclist to a fitness rider.

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