Friday, September 04, 2009

Cap and Trade!

I wish I'd had a camera ready on my ride home tonight.  Coming at me in traffic was a Smart Car. Immediately behind it was a Hummer.  Do you suppose the Hummer driver buys credits from the Smart Car driver?


  1. The camera on my cell phone sucks, but I still take lots of pictures with it. You should try yours (assuming you have one).

  2. I have a real camera holstered at my side. The vehicles came at me too quickly to deploy it. My phone is just a phone and it was even more securely tucked away. Drat.

  3. Yeah, I know that feeling too.

  4. do you know about FUH2? And also, not quite a Hummer (we still have some in London but not very many)

  5. Beautiful stuff, Ham. Dare we flip off every H2 owner? They've already shown themselves to be sociopaths by their vehicle choice. Quite likely they are armed and dangerous as well. They certainly won't understand why they're being "persecuted."
