Friday, October 30, 2009

Last Singer Pics (I promise)

The sun, the Singer and I were finally all in the same place at the same time. I couldn't resist getting some sun on all that polished aluminum.

The blinding glory of the brakes

Seconds ago I loaded the bike into the owner's car. She did share more information about it today. Her husband bought it in Salinas, California, second hand. The frame and many of the parts could date back to the patent year on the Campy derailleur, which was probably late 1960s or early 1970s. But bikes are so rebuildable that parts of any vintage could have been grafted on at any time. The only odd notes in the generally European lineup were the Suntour Cyclone rear derailleur and Dia Compe brake levers.

It's on its way. The owner is pleased. Now I'm trying to reorganize the workshop, but people keep bringing in work. Nothing interferes with productivity like customers.


  1. I am really glad the owner was happy. I know I have been, but people can be a little funny... have a good weekend, CR.

  2. *I would have been - happy...

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    ze rake is very zexy,

  4. I'm sad these are the last Singer pics. It was nice while it lasted...

  5. @Rantwick - thanks, I will do my utmost to have a good weekend.

    @Steve A - we'll have to wait and see what shows up next. The Singer's owner did say she would bring it by for at least annual maintenance.

    @ Anonymous - Zis bike is entirely zexy.

  6. Great pictures and great job refurbishing it! Steer the owner towards a brown leather saddle and grips to warm up that silver - it will be a head-turner!

  7. Excellent style advice, Filigree. The hacked-off Wald plastic grips had a certain funky charm, but brown leather would bring up the whole presentation. I also have to track down some of the aluminum polish Steve A recommended so I can try it out.
