Sunday, October 11, 2009

Quick and dirty late-day video

Just to see how it would come out, I rode the interesting part of the local path at about half speed, holding the camera in one hand. If I'm going to do more video I'll have to rig a hands-free mount and do some music and editing. Or not...


  1. That's a nice looking chunk of trail. Does it see a lot of traffic?

  2. It WAS a nice looking trail. I think just tell us what's interesting as you roll along and that's good enough for me.

    Music not needed, though it sometimes does get watchers in the mood you're trying to establish.

  3. This is the notorious DERT (Disappointing Example of a Rail Trail). For much of its course, cyclists ride between the rails, which have been left for the use of a recreational rail car club. In spite of the many accidents, some of them major, caused by the rail crossings, the trail does see a lot of walking and cycling traffic, as well as unauthorized equestrian, dirt bike and ATV use on its outer reaches. I only ride it in the fall, when darkness and weather reduce the population. For the first few weeks I still have to deal with other users. Once the trees are bare and the nights long and cold I can often ride without seeing anyone else.

    This twisty bit is far and away the most entertaining section. The scenery is nice elsewhere, but the riding is most interesting here.
