Sunday, December 06, 2009

You try to be environmentally responsible...

The shop where I work is a small business. We try to uphold the image of cycling and X-C skiing as nature -friendly. The management purchased biodegradable shopping bags.

Gues what? Biodegradable means "starting now." Large quantities of them degraded to uselessness before we could sell enough merchandise to hand them out.

We have only a few sizes of surviving bags and no budget to buy a bunch of new ones.

Our research division is working on turning skin flakes and loose hair into a material from which to fashion bags. Anything else seems to cause some sort of environmental or social problem somewhere along the line. Another work group is experimenting with yarn made from discarded socks and underwear, which can be knitted into reusable bags.


  1. That's kind of weird -- that stuff is supposed to be 'shelf stable' and break down on exposure to water and heat.

    Any chance of getting a refund from the supplier since the stuff didn't work as advertised?

  2. Hard sayin'. I didn't make the deal, and the upper management can sometimes fall short in the assertiveness department.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Hey, maybe you could use old, worn out spandex shorts instead. Mine seem to break down slowly, but completely. "Course, it may be the crotch sweat...

