Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day of the British Tourists

A large group seems to be passing through the area today. I've already replaced one front derailleur, straightened a rear derailleur hanger, provided a convenient refill of chain lube and consulted on modernization of one rider's brake system.

I do like to see people really getting out on a trip.


  1. So, are these their bikes or rentals?

  2. Looks like all theirs. Quite an assortment: Roberts tandem, a lugless Mercian, a tourer with the name Roy Thame on it, and several folders that say "Airnimal."

    I just did some work on the front shifting on one of those.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The Airnimal is a British bike, and reports are it's the best folder out there for people who actually want to ride. Were these guys on the Chameleon (pricey road bike with graphite front fork and URT rear suspension) or the Joey (more affordable, like an improved Brompton)?

  5. @Colin: I looked up Airnimal that day and got the basic idea. I did not get a close look at most of the bikes in this entourage. The one with the front shifting problem had rear suspension. It used an elastomer spring like the old Proflex bikes. I did not notice the fork.

    It was my first day back after the worst symptoms of a brief but tiring cold. I was not very inquisitive.
