Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Tablet is a funny word

For easy carrying on bike  commuting days I just got this 7-inch tablet. It seems really good so far. Not being a touch typist I don't mind looking at the virtual keyboard. My fat fingers seem to do reasonably well on the little pictures of keys.

The touch screen is very sensitive. I noticed I left a strange word in a comment on DFW Point to Point this morning. Eternal vigilance is the price of comprehensibility.

The7-inch tablet fits perfectly in the rack pack on either commuting bike. It's nice and light as such things go. It may help  me capture some of the elusive observations I make in the workshop, previously scribbled on scraps of paper for future composition. Most of the time I just end up stuffing them in the woodstove days or weeks later when I find them in a pile somewhere around the house.


  1. Mini tablets fit FAR better in bike trunk bags...

  2. Ibuprofen tablets fit really well, but they don't have WiFi.

  3. Most of my video and other thoughts end up in the proverbial woodstove too... in my case it is probably just as well.

  4. Tablet envy... =(

  5. @Rantwick: Self editing can be good, but sometimes what's discarded is a genuine loss. You have a fun writing style and good observations. As for the video, from my helmet cam period I understand how a lot of that ends up discarded. You run the camera in case something interesting happens. Often it doesn't. It's like security camera video. Record over it the next day.

    I need to get the camera back out and charge it up. It's just that my regular road route is too long to run the camera the whole way, so how do I decide when something interesting is about to happen?

  6. @John -- Sorry, man.

  7. Tablets are cool. My 5-inch Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 wifi tablet goes just about everywhere with me. People usually think it's a phone. My actual phone is an antique in phone years.
