Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The Snirt Mountains

The temperature has shifted so the snow is melting. It has a long way to go.
This bank has actually melted down about a foot. But ground level on the yard is down around my handlebars. The first terrace of flower bed is just above hub level.
I was thinking of having an ice-out contest for this part of my driveway. Rain last night beat it back some. I might even be able to open the big sliding door on the front of the garage now.
The sun makes everything look better, even mud and snirt.

I tried to take a couple of videos to show the streams full of melt water and the Snirt Mountains along one section of Green Mountain Road, but the wide angle lens on the helmet cam really flattens everything out. The result is pretty boring.

Conditions are improving. I think the heat may come on the way the cold did.


  1. It's sad to see the impending end of ski season...

  2. Skiing this stuff would be analogous to necrophilia. As deep as it is, it's rotten clear to the ground. It needs to go away. The end of our ski season left "impending" behind a while ago. Time to be grunting the bike around.

  3. I hate snirt. Still good mountains left here too, but they're shrinking daily.

  4. It's fun to say snirt.
