Thursday, March 14, 2019

Invasive species

The debate over fat bike access to the cross-country ski trails entered a new phase today. The proprietor of the brew pub answered my comment by implying that the riders have the full approval and support of the recreation department and the town prosecutor. I guess the town prosecutor — attached to the police department — is pretending to be the town attorney, which is a different role. Be that as it may, the riders feel that they have a moral and legal right to engage in theft of services by using grooming that they have paid nothing for.

The issue has moved from social media to actual policy makers. The outcome will determine whether Wolfeboro retains its reputation as a top-notch small Nordic center or has its trail network shrink to half of its previous length and loses all of its hillier terrain. The half that is open to riding would just be a bike park that tolerates skiers. You’d definitely want to think hard before launching down a twisting descent on skating skis if you might run into a biker toiling up it. Likewise, you might get more than a scare if you were all laid out in a V1, climbing up the grade, and a cyclist came banzaiing down. In all good conscience, we could not recommend this to skiers.

The invasive species may prevail. The emerald ash borer is well on its way to destroying that tree species in the United States. Stink bugs, kudzu, Japanese knotweed, the list goes on of aggressive competitors with no natural enemies in their transplanted environment. If the law ends up forcing coexistence, the invaders will rule by default.

Skiers have always had to accommodate the hazards naturally associated with their activity. Varied terrain and weather call for adaptability and judgment. So if skiers have to share space with people on wheels, many skiers will deal with it. If nothing ever goes seriously wrong, if the bloody, mangling collision never occurs, then all concerns beforehand will be seen as hysterical. And even if it only happens a time or two, it will be no worse than the occasional road cyclist crushed by a motor vehicle. Sad, but a necessary loss. Be glad it wasn’t you. Offer a few thoughts and prayers. That’ll cover it. As for the petty annoyances when competing users get on each other’s nerves, just be grateful that you have a place to play at all.

I will go back to bushwhacking.

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