Wednesday, March 25, 2020

You can beat a path to our door. You just can’t come through it.

We’ve gone to a full lockout here at the shop. If you want to drop off a bike for repair, you can make an appointment and leave it at the back door. If you need a product, call to see if we have it. We can take your payment info over the phone and bring the item out to you.

Unfortunately, web commerce has not gone exceptionally well. Over our few years trying to offer most of our inventory to internet shopping, we’ve gotten pounded in shipping charges, and ripped off numerous times. Now we offer only little items from the ski inventory, so the packages are small and the financial risk is low. You can’t browse our store stock and place an order. It will seriously shrink  our cash flow during the current situation, but at least we still can offer mechanical services.

I have to say it’s pretty nice working without interruption. The phone might ring. Someone might arrive for their prearranged drop off or pickup. Those are generally quick and concise. Other than that, I can tend the machinery with few distractions. I mean aside from the distractions that have plagued me for a lifetime.

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